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Dementia through a Spiritual lens* Jodi McCullah


Beginning 9/18

6:30 pm

The study will reconvene in the spring.

Never underestimate a ministry of presence is the idea behind Ministry with the Forgotten: Dementia through a Spiritual Lens, the book Pastor Jodi will be teaching from this fall on Wednesday nights.  


"Dementia diseases represent a crisis of faith for many family members and congregations. Magnifying this crisis is the way people with dementia tend to be objectified by both medical and religious communities. They are recipients of treatment and projects for mission. Ministry is usually done to and for them rather than with them.  

While acknowledging the devastation of dementia diseases, Ken Carder draws on his own experience as a caregiver, hospice chaplain, and pastoral practitioner to portray the gifts as well as the challenges accompanying dementia diseases. He confronts the deep personal and theological questions created by loving people with dementia diseases, demonstrating how living with dementia can be a means of growing in faith, wholeness, and ministry for the entire community of faith. He also reveals that authentic faith transcends intellectual beliefs, verbal affirmations, and prescribed practices. Carder asserts that the Judeo-Christian tradition offers a broader lens, defining personhood in relationship to God’s story and humanity’s participation in God’s mighty acts of creation and new creation; thereby contributing to hope, community, and self-worth.

Pastors and congregations will be better equipped to minister with people affected by dementia, receiving their gifts and responding to their unique needs. They will learn how people with dementia contribute to the community and the church’s life and mission, discovering practical ways those contributions can be identified, nurtured, and incorporated into the church’s life and ministry."

Covenant Class- John Hille & Gerald Richardson


Wesley House

9:30 am

Beginning 3/8/20

Gerald Richardson and John Hille invite you to join them in the discussions of the book, "Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today" by Joan Chittister. Her book offers an examination of how the Rule of St. Benedict continues to be one of the world's great models for personal spiritual growth and connecting with God. Each chapter covers a different aspect of the Rule, including such topics as prayer, work, mindfulness, hospitality, peace, and listening. Copies of the book can be purchased from Amazon or from the Sewanee bookstore. The group will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the Wesley House.

"Kitchen" Class- Bob Askew 


Education Building 

9:45 am

Beginning April 2020

The "Kitchen" Class meets in the room adjacent to the nursery. Beginning in April the group will begin a new study from the book "Speaking the Truth in Love" by Koch and Haugk. Kenneth Haugk is the founder of the Stephen Ministry. The book is helpful in teaching Christians how to be more effective with their communications in all aspects of life. Please contact Bob Askew if you have questions. (931)636-1873 or

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